Have a look at biolitec®‘s trendsetting laser systems for minimally invasive treatments of vena saphena magna, vena saphena parva, tributary veins, perforator veins, recurrences, ulcus cruris venosum and close to the branch into the deep venous system.

As one of the world's leading pioneers in the field of medical laser therapy, biolitec® launched the first medical 1470 nm diode laser in 2006 and the patented Radial® fiber in 2008 to optimize endoluminal laser therapy. This led to a wide variety in the selection of ELVeS® Radial® laser fibers, which in combination with the optimal wavelength of the LEONARDO® DUAL diode laser, also developed by biolitec®, covers the entire spectrum of endoluminal varicosis treatment. This means that the minimally invasive varicosis therapy can be individually adapted to each patient.

For more information about the 31st Bonn Vein Days in Bonn, Germany, 25th-26th April 2025, please click HERE

  • Optimal, homogeneous radiation on the vessel wall (even with a large diameter >15 mm)
  • Less side effects due to the low energy density in each ring
  • No incisions, no excisions, no open wounds
  • Short treatment times and combinable with other treatment options
  • Outpatient treatment possible



Otto-Schott-Str. 15
07745 Jena

+49 (0) 3641 519 53 0
+49 (0) 3641 519 53 33


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